Customer satisfaction!


Customer satisfaction!

  • Date: 06.05.2015 12:32

We are pleased about the positive feedback from our customer

We received the following email from manager of the Fischerbräu in Vienna. It shows the commitment with which the ROSTFREI team works to ensure customer satisfaction. Thanks to all members of the project team!



  Walter HEJL KG - Fischer Bräu


  Thu, 12 Feb 2015 19:30:45 +0100


  Fischerbräu <>


  'Michael Weyrer' <>

Dear Mr. Weyrer, 

We would like to thank you very much for the professional, well-conceived and uncomplicated planning of our kitchen.

Your commitment during the planning- and set-up phase was unbelievable. The kitchen exceeds all expectations (quality and speed of the individual machines).

The entire team has accomplished a perfect job.

We can highly recommend you, and look forward to a good collaboration in the future.

with Best Regards

Martin Buchta

Fischer Bräu


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